Street takeovers have become a dangerous and disruptive trend in many cities, posing significant risks to public safety and property. The city of Pico Rivera recently implemented one of the strictest ordinances in the nation to combat these illegal activities, demonstrating a proactive and effective approach.
By enforcing heavy fines, vehicle forfeiture, and misdemeanor charges for participants and spectators, Pico Rivera has significantly reduced the frequency of street takeovers. Compton, a city similarly affected by this issue, could benefit greatly from adopting a comparable zero-tolerance policy.
With community safety at stake, now is the time for Compton’s administration to take bold action and follow Pico Rivera’s example.

Pico Rivera's Zero-Tolerance Approach:
In May 2023, the Pico Rivera City Council introduced one of the nation's strictest ordinances to combat illegal street takeovers. The ordinance became effective in June 2023.
By head-on implementing one of the nation's strictest ordinances, Pico Rivera reduced the frequency of street takeovers considerably, while protecting its residents, public infrastructure and private properties. Pico Rivera officials state that zero-tolerance approach can serve as a model for other municipalities grappling with similar challenges.
Pico Rivera introduced its strict ordinance in response to several pressing concerns and incidents that highlighted the need for decisive action:
Public Safety Concerns:
Street takeovers involve dangerous stunts such as drifting and high-speed driving, often performed in densely populated areas.
These activities pose significant risks to bystanders, participants, and other drivers, with some incidents resulting in serious injuries and fatalities.
Increase in Illegal Street Takeovers:
The city experienced a rise in street takeover events, often coordinated through social media. These events disrupted neighborhoods and created hazardous conditions.
Property Damage:
Street takeovers frequently result in damage to public and private property, including streets, curbs, and nearby structures.
Community Impact:
Residents and businesses voiced frustrations over the noise, safety hazards, and chaos caused by these events. The community demanded action to restore order and safety.
Ineffectiveness of Existing Measures:
Previous enforcement efforts, such as issuing citations or making arrests, were not enough to deter participants or organizers, prompting the need for more stringent penalties and proactive measures.
Tragic Incidents:
Specific accidents or fatalities tied to street takeovers may have catalyzed public outcry and motivated city leaders to adopt a zero-tolerance approach.
Prohibitions and Penalties
Participants: Individuals engaging in street takeovers are subject to a $2,000 fine. Repeat offenders may face vehicle forfeiture.
Spectators: Anyone present within 500 feet of a street takeover, or where preparations are underway, is guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a $2,000 fine.
Vehicle Seizure and Forfeiture:
Vehicles involved in street takeovers are deemed nuisances and can be seized. The city may permanently confiscate such vehicles, especially in cases of repeat offenses.
Enforcement Authority:
Local law enforcement officers are empowered to cite spectators and participants, seize vehicles involved, and enforce the ordinance's provisions.
For the complete and official text of the ordinance, please contact the Pico Rivera city clerk's office directly at
Please click the link below to view the "draft" document: Pico Rivera's Zero-Tolerance Ordinance